Refleting on the presentation:

As I reflect on the provocation presentations that happend last week, I am filled with mixed feelings. It was one of the most challenging things I have had to do so far.

Firstly, we decided to choose a topic that we felt was relevant and interesting yet I had very little background about how galleries are run and about the politics within art intitutions. It meant that I had to do quite a bit of research in order to make convincing statements. A lot of time was spent researching about the history and historical figures that played a role, about corruption within the system, and about current improvements. Also future ideals and the movements currently at play to make art institutions survive, evolve and matter.

Secondly, I was a bit rushed for time and didn’t manage to eliminate the excess of information from the document I was going to use to read my research from. This meant that the flow and use of language felt a bit clumsy and I think it came across as unprepared and a bit unprofessional…

Lastly, taken from the questions and the counter arguments that came from my peers afterwards, I feel that perhaps my main points were misunderstood. I assumed that it sounded as if I said that historical art should not even be displayed in an art museum when really I meant to say that it should not be so sanctified and for the objects/things to be the main concern. Rather, art institutions should value the concern and current affairs of people rather than value the ‘things’.

My main point was that art institutions DOES have a role to play and a big role today. As a gathering-place, as a place that can offer a voice for those that need help and as a place where the intellectual wealth of artists can be redistributed to benefit those in need or those in need of creative solutions. This way, art is not only displayed in a museum/gallery in order to give critique and have an opinion about current affairs but move one step further. Into a more active role where art can be used as useful art, or ideas, magnifying the need for art, artists and art institutions that matter in society. Arte Util is a movement founded by Alistair Hudson that envisions this future. See their website here:

All the negatives aside, I enjoyed working on this with Lisa and I feel that we both got a lot out of the research and the discussion. I also feel that our topic was very relevant and I hope that it made everyone think in new ways about the gallery and about art institutions, whether they agreed with my either of us or not.

Since my practice has strong values the tie with care and to be of therapeutic value, I feel that I have gained a lot from the provocation.

Here are a few of my slides including references:

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