After a good and necessary break between units, it feels good to be back! There is certainly a lot to be resolved after unit 1.2 which I am looking forward to.

The journey through Unit 1.2 was not easy and left a lot of questions in my unanswered. The opportunity to further explore these questions as I pick up from my material investigation and focus will now move towards a visual investigation using the materials that I have come to know so intimately.

According to Britannica Dictionary, the definition of RESOLUTION is:

: [noncount] : the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something

[count] : an answer or solution to something

: [count] : a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do

4: [noncount] : the quality of being very determined to do something: determination

5: [count] : a formal statement that expresses the feelings, wishes, or decision of a group

6: [noncount] : the point in a story at which the main conflict is solved or ended

Zoom meetings during weeks 1 &2:

It was wonderful to see all my peers and Caroline and Hayley again and I look forward to see Michele hopefully soon. It’s also nice that Steve has joined us. As a cohort I feel we have grown together through the challenges and celebrations during Units 1 and 2 and I feel that there is a trust and support that is tangible when we meet.

Week 1 was good in terms of getting an overview of the course. I think it’s invaluable that we are encouraged to continue developing, make and resolve (definition 1) our work, to think about our practice beyond the MA during this unit and to look at a plan for exhibition. What a privilege and opportunity. One that I resolve (definition 4) to make the best of and hope that it will develop into something useful, something that can contribute to the world or at least my part of the world.

During week 2 we discussed the Provocation Presentations. I chose to ask Lisa if she would partner with me for the provocation which was totally intuitive and I am happy that she agreed. We have since been in contact and have come up with some topics that is interesting to us both. We will meet on zoom this week to take it further. We will be discussing the following theme options:

  1. The merit of abstract art vs representational art
  2. Is there still value of aesthetic/beauty in contemporary art?
  3. Art is never finished, only abandoned.
  4. ‘Art for art sake’ vs art as a tool.

I think we will both learn a lot as we prepare for the provocation presentation. Looking forward to what we will learn from the exercise.

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