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Books I am currently reading: 

Beauty, John O’Donohue

The self delusion, Tom Oliver

The well gardened mind, Sue Stuart-Smith

Motherhood, Lisa Marchiano

Finding the mother tree, Suzanne Simard

You and me, Susan Greenfield

Eco-art Therapy, Amanda Alders Pike

The hidden life of trees, Peter Wohlleben

The art therapy sourcebook, Cathy A Malchiodi

Latest books:

Matters of Care, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa

IntraConnected, Daniel J. Siegel MD (Interconnection with nature and other humans)

Nature in Mind, Roger Duncan (Interconnection with nature)

Switching Codes, Thomas Bartscherer & Roderick Coover

What Painting Is: About Oil Painting, James Elkins

Kruidtjie Roer my, Antoinette Pienaar (Written in Afrikaans and published in South Africa, the books talks about medicinal plants of South africa in the Cape Karoo region)

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